Thursday 28 August 2014

NIKE Marketing

NIKE is probably the best company when it comes to marketing. This is one company that does know how to do marketing and connect with people at a level that no other company can. Just think for a second, this is a company that sells a commodity. 

If most companies had to do marketing for their SHOES then the first thing they would do is tell people how great quality products they sell and how these products are better than competitors products. NIKE took a different approach , instead of running campaigns on educating their potential customers about the price of their shoes and the quality of shoes NIKE educated people to find their passion and greatness and also valued athletes and athletics . 

This is what makes NIKE'S marketing different from its competitors. NIKE marketed its values and what it believes in as a company. A very important thing to learn here is that marketing is all about values. It is about what you as a company believes in.

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